Murdoch Mysteries Wiki

The Toronto Gazette is Toronto's primary daily newspaper on Murdoch Mysteries. The newspaper is not only a popular press prop, it is used in support of the storyline, often giving clues and insights into solving the crime mysteries.

Occasionally, The Gazette is used as a calling card to a murder.

Inspector Thomas Brackenreid consults the stock market listings in the Gazette during the investigation of the murder of Alice Howard in Power.

One of the Gazette's reporters, a Newsman Louis, was present at the boxing match between Amos Robinson and Bob Sullivan. Later, Louis helps Detective William Murdoch in his investigation into Robinson's murder by proving Murdoch with several photographic plates taken by the Gazette photographer that evening in The Knockdown.

American spy agent Allen Clegg poses as a reporter named Carson Turner for the Toronto Gazette in Confederate Treasure.

Until her death, Mary Foster contributed tantalizing puzzles to the Toronto Gazette each day in "The Blood Code".

In Season 5, reporter Teddy Nelson in introduced in War on Terror and returns in Twentieth Century Murdoch.

Season 10 introduces a new Gazette journalist, Miss Louise Cherry in Concocting A Killer, but by Season 10's finale, she is also writing for the Toronto Free Press. In Season 11, Miss Cherry has left the Gazette to work at the Toronto Telegraph.

There are numerous nameless newsboys peddling the latest edition on the streets of Toronto whose numbers decease as magazine and news stands begin to appear more frequently, starting in Season 8.

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

Season 9

Season 10

Season 11

Season 12

Season 13

Season 14

Season 15

Season 17

Known Reporters & Contributors


  • The Toronto Gazette is a fictional newspaper. The name was also used in the Canadian television series, Seeing Things. The Globe and Mail was an active Toronto newspaper from 1844 and the Evening Star (now the Toronto Star) was founded in 1892. Neither of these names could be used on Murdoch Mysteries because of copyright.
  • One issue that bothers some MM fans is the use of photography, especially in the newspapers: they are shown way too clear for the technology (photo and printing) of the day. Showrunner Peter Mitchell acknowledges this and states, " We have some access to photos from the time (properly stored ones) and they are too good to use... the ones we use in newspapers (both the quality of image and the amount), for the interest of trying to quickly convey information to the viewer, we cheat that."

External Links

Murdoch Mysteries Seasons
Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Season 7Season 8Season 9Season 10Season 11Season 12Season 13Season 14Season 15Season 15Season 16Season 17