Murdoch Mysteries Wiki

Station House No. 5 is one of several stations operated by the Toronto Constabulary, introduced in Season 3 of Murdoch Mysteries. Through the seasons, corruption has been revealed within Station House Five, much of it centered around Jeffrey Davis until Season 11.

The Station House is the workplace of:

Appearances and Mentions[]

The Great Wall

  • A constable assigned to Station House Five was killed in an argument by one of his fellow officers.

Stroll on the Wild Side (Part 1)

Stroll on the Wild Side (Part 2)

House of Industry

Bl..dy H.ll

Up From Ashes

Manual for Murder

Darkness Before the Dawn Part 1

Things Left Behind

  • Two coppers from this Station House arrests a black man beating up a white man and laughs at Robert Parker when he claims to be a policeman.


Great Wall 6