Murdoch Mysteries Wiki
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"Mrs. Crabtree's Neighborhood" is the tenth episode of the seventeenth season of Murdoch Mysteries and the two hundred seventy-third episode of the series (not including the three stand-alone holiday specials). It first aired on January 1, 2024.


When a construction company owner is shot dead at a barbershop, Murdoch suspects a professional assassin, despite the barber and the victim's father claiming the deceased was well liked.

Meanwhile, an injured and bored Effie spies on her neighbors.

Character Revelations


Historical References

  • This episode takes place in Toronto – George V is King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India, from 6 May 1910 until his death in 1936.


  • Filmed on location in Hamilton, August 30, 2023.
  • This episode uses the classic Alfred Hitchcock Rear Window circumstance: in the 1954 American mystery thriller film the main character with a broken leg is stuck in a wheelchair and with a professional camera catches a murderer in action, while the difference in this case is she is on crutches with a binocular to spy on a suspicious neighbour.
  • This is the second time (ep.1504), Effie has an injured leg and takes a non-synthetic narcotic derived from opium.


Main Cast

Yannick Bisson as Detective William Murdoch
Hélène Joy as Dr. Julia Ogden
Thomas Craig as Inspector Thomas Brackenreid
Jonny Harris as Constable George Crabtree

Recurring Cast

Clare McConnell as Effie Crabtree
Kenzie Delso as Constable Tucker

Guest Cast

Jayne Eastwood as Abigail Halston
Paula Brantcate as Lize McDowell
David Reale as Daniel Dunn
Dan Abramovici as Ken McDowell
Alexander Crowthe as Marcel Marston
Frank Licari as Garrett LaRue
David Frisch as Stephen Goodwin
Cory Bertrand as Norman Tibbins
James Downing as Liam Grimecrux
Eric Weinthal as Mr. Wohl
Peter Millard as Anthony Marston
Christian Rose as Newsie
Zach Eulberg as Nathaniel Marston

Non-Credited Cast


Murdoch Mysteries Season 17
Do the Right Thing Part 1Do the Right Thing Part 2Murdoch and the Mona LisaBottom of the BarrelStation House of HorrorsDying to be EnlightenedCool MillionThe Cottage in the WoodsThe Christmas ListMrs. Crabtree's NeighborhoodA Heavy EventWheel of Bad FortuneTrain to NowhereThe Smell of AlarmMurdoch and the Treasure of LimaPreacher Jimmy WildeThe Fantastic Mr. FawkesSpirits in the NightA Most Surprising BondRhapsody in BloodEngaged to be MurderedWhy Is Everybody Singing?Smoke Gets In Your EyesFor the Greater Good
Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Season 7Season 8Season 9Season 10Season 11Season 12Season 13Season 14Season 15Season 16