Murdoch Mysteries Wiki

Chief Constable ( also Chief Inspector) is the police officer in charge of the Toronto Constabulary first introduced in Season 1 of Murdoch Mysteries.

By the end of Season 17, Thomas Brackenreid has accepted the promotion to become Chief Constable of the Toronto Constabulary.

Previous Chief Constables:


The Glass Ceiling

Still Waters

The Annoying Red Planet

The Great Wall

What Lies Buried

The Murdoch Trap

What Lies Buried

Colour Blinded

House of Industry

Bl..dy H.ll

Hell to Pay

Up From Ashes

Things Left Behind

Everything is Broken Part 1

  • In Brackenreid's office, the Chief Constable is direct and to the point, "You went after another station house, arrested officers without cause. You even threatened another inspector! And, if that wasn't bad enough, you have a son sitting in the Don Jail. And there are rumours you may have a child out of wedlock. A child of a certain hue".
  • If Brackenreid leaves without a fuss, he'll have his full pension but the Inspector refuses to resign. The Chief Constable get right into the stubborn man's face, "Don't fight us on this, Tom. It's over!"


  • There has been several fictional Chief Constables (Chiefs of Police), when in actuality during Murdoch Mysteries time period, the Toronto Police Department was headed by Col. H.J. Grasett, who served as Toronto's Chief Constable for 34 years from 1886 to 1920 — a record that still stands today.


Murdoch Mysteries Seasons
Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Season 7Season 8Season 9Season 10Season 11Season 12Season 13Season 14Season 15Season 15Season 16Season 17